Even if Lacey runs out of money, she will always find something to pay for the rent.

Even if Lacey runs out of money, she will always find something to pay for the rent.
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Темнокожая чикуля сидела дома и смотрела дурацкие телешоу, когда пришел хозяин хаты (он, если че, тоже ниггер) и напомнил о том, что пора бы платить за аренду. Lacey was embarrassed and asked to give it until Friday - now they say she doesn’t have any money. Seeing that the landlord was hesitating, she sat down on the cortana and tried to convince in another way. The conversation immediately changed direction! There is a suspicion that after this the dude will not only agree to wait, but will also stop taking money from her for accommodation.
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